Sunday, July 17, 2016


Today I went to Nelson Mandela Square. The shopping plaza is modernized with many modern american and foreign stores. Prices were way too expensive so the main thing that I did was window shopping. 

After Nelson Mandela Square. We headed to the Apartheid museum. My first major reaction was that they were so many connections between SA and USA colonialist and black history. Similarities such as the "Separate but Unequal" facilities, Black SA's properties being removed from them, hearing people who sacrificed their lives in order for Black SA's to have a livable and equal lifestyle. Another characteristics that Black USA and Black SA had in common was that we were colonized by both British and Dutch settlers. I found it amazing how these settlers decided to implement the same techniques to conquer a land and they did not have social media to tweet out their ideas. This museum reiterated that although overt racism has decreased, the impact of apartheid/segregation/Willie Lynch still lingers today and it has psychologically damaged many people of color. Words cannot fully describe what I witnessed so hopefully pictures can outline the tragedies that occurred during that time period.

After Apartheid museum, we went to Pretoria to Dr. Darren Clarke's friend house. He's the Executive Director of the National Zoological Gardens in Pretoria. His house is beautiful to the point that his house could easily have been featured in "House Hunters International" T.V. series. In addition, his chefs made some AMAZING FOOD. In other words the food was the


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  2. This is what happens when history is one sided you, get half truths.

    1. I'm learning that everyday. Honestly if I had more power within the school system, I would encourage more Social Studies trips to where students can connect what they learned in the books and see it in person.

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  4. Glad you had the opportunity to visit!

    1. I am excited that I embarked on that opportunity.
